Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 32

Oh my god, rachel ray is on tv right now and is drilling holes in my ear with her diarrhea of the mouth. But today in school I made delicious swordfish.

We made a minestrone cut soup first this morning but I didn't photo it. It was just veg soup, people. It was a clean out of the veg drawer but with nicely layered flavors and some garbanzos. I didn't use pasta in mine although most of the class did. I don't like when you open the fridge the day after and the pasta has eaten all of the broth and become mammoth. It turns alien in size and falls to mush upon reheating. I don't enjoy this. But I did enjoy my swordfish.

This is marinating in garlic, parsley, oregano, lemon zest and juice, olive oil and capers. It sat in the marinade for about 20 minutes and then got a dose of salt and pepper before heading onto a hot grill. I did my best to make lovely diamond patterns on it.

It had a little rest after grilling while I finished my risotto. It was a fennel risotto, started with onion and large dice fennel. I used veggie stock and when I finished it I added fennel powder to the Parmesan. Its good. It served as a base for the grilled swordfish.
Isn't it nice looking? I thought so. Chef asked us to plate it in this manner. I would have liked to stir some fresh herb into the risotto at the end. Parsley or tarragon maybe? I might try it at home. We then made grilled steak Florentine. Big grilled meat with a topping of parsley, Parmesan, lemon, and olive oil.

Big steak. I think the grill could have been a little hotter. Its fine though. I didn't really eat much of it anyway. Especially with the thought of tomorrows dish: osso buco. Love it...but for lunch? Its a lot. Whatever. Maybe we'll have wine with it and that makes all manner of protein suitable at any time of day. That's official, you know.

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