Monday, September 8, 2008

Mild Anxiety

So starting culinary school is similar to starting regular schools in that you need a few supplies. Like notebooks and sharpies. However, at my school they give you some of the supplies. Like the biggest cookbook I have ever held. And some really sharp looking knives in a super smug case. I will officially piss off all friends and family by showing up at parties and such with said knife case. They also give you uniforms. I haven't picked mine up yet but I might today. I will not be altering it. Unless I lose like 20 pounds. Which you never know might happen out of nowhere maybe...not. School does give you a list of recommended reading. I have read many of the titles including the best food writing, and michael ruhlman, and the french laundry and heat. But I have not read Kitchen Spanish: A Quick Phrase Guide of Kitchen and Culinary. I find that funny. Not that spanish is unnecessary (as here in socal I use it everyday) but that the school recommends it as reading. I imagine like a high school textbook dialogue but in kitchen settings.
"Hola, me llamo Paco"
"Hola Paco, por favor dame el cuchara"
I have a feeling it won't be so entertaining. So in between reading up and gathering the few supplies I am left to clean up my house and have mild anxiety. I have no idea where this will lead and I am really tired of hearing myself say that to people. The anxiety will pass, I am sure. I hope it takes with it my mild obsessings on where I will end up when its all done. In between musings I spent the weekend camping and cooking food outdoors with just fire and some basics. I whipped up some random yet tasty potato pancakes that I recommend to any camper or thrifty cook. I used leftover baked potatoes and mashed them up with eggs, greek yogurt, sauteed onion, raw green onion, grill seasoning, and salt. I pan fried them in a small amount of olive oil and butter and topped them with more greek yogurt. My husband, the smug eagle scout, said that I would have earned my cooking badge at scout camp. I was really excited about that.

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